#: locale=en ## Tour ### Description tour.description = A 360 tour of the Cactus Garden at Changi Airport Terminal 1 ### Title tour.name = Cactus Garden ## Skin ### Multiline Text HTMLText_807FF845_A29B_8BFD_41C6_ADF5768DD609.html =
Sago Palm

Cycas, Dioon & Zamia

Sago Plams belong to a group of plants of more than 200 species that are native to East Africa, Central America, Australia, Southeast Asia, Japan and Polynesia.

They are not palms but belong to a group of primitive plants, whose ancestry date back to the Mesozoic period about 65 - 250 million years ago.

These plants are very hardy and adapt very well to grow in dry climate and poor soils. Some of the Sago Palms in this garden are more than 50 years old.

The seeds and juice of these plants are used in native medicine.
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Sago Palm

Cycas, Dioon & Zamia

There are more than 200 species of Sago Palms. They come from East Africa, Central America, Australia, Southeast Asia, Japan and Polynesia.

Sago 'palms' are technically not palms. They belong to a group of prehistoric plants which originated from the Mesozoic period about 65 to 250 million years ago.

The plants are hardy and adapt well to dry climates and poor soils. Some of the Sago Palms in this garden are more than 50 years old.

The plant is used in native medicine.
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Devil's Bone Cactus

Euphorbia trigona

Origin: Africa, Asia
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Ponytail Tree

Beaucarnea spp

The Ponytail Tree belongs to a group of 4 species of flowering plants that are native to Central America. The plant has adapted to grow in very dry regions by storing water in their large globular bases.

Ponytail trees can grow to a height of 10 metres, with trunk measuring 20 to 40 centimetres in diameter. Younger plants are usually single stemmed and start to branch when about 5 to 10 years or after they flower.

Some of the plants here are more than 30 years old.
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Euphorbia spp

Spurges are the most diverse plants in the plant kingdom. They can be in the form of trees like the Devil Bone Cactus or shrube like the Crown-of-Thorns. The sap of the plant is used as medicine for purging, hende the reason for the name.

All spurges produce white or yellow latex which are toxic. This prevents them from being eaten by animals. Besides being used as a laxative, it is also used for treatment of wounds and other skin ailments. The Euphorbia pekinensis - The Chinese Spurge, is one of the 50 fundamental herbs in Chinese medicine.
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Indian Spurge

Euphorbia tirucalli

Origin: Africa

Also known as Firestick Plant. Used in the treatment of Cancer.
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Cactus Garden
Changi Airport
Terminal 1
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Bask in the sun and relax with a drink at the bar. At this rooftop garden, you can enjoy the fine views of more than 100 species of cacti and arid plants from the deserts and dry areas of Asia, Africa and America.

Notable plants featured in this garden include surreal plants like the Golden Barrel Cactus, Old Man Cactus and giant Ponytail Palm Trees, as well as various forms of Cycads—a tenacious survivor of the dinosaur era. Visitors to the garden can also see the edible Apple Cactus (Cereus spp.) and Prickly Pear Cactus (Opuntia spp.), as well as other economically important arid plants from around the world.
## Media ### Title media_0609A453_24DA_49B5_419A_630E7153678F.label = 04 Cactus garden walk to T1 Arrival media_06756A32_25D6_79F7_41A6_983BAB061B88.label = Cactus Garden 360 walk through panorama_A298F15A_AF6B_49BE_41D8_C2226F8BF830.label = 4 panorama_A880D606_A167_877C_41DB_CB8135827AE4.label = 2 panorama_A884C086_A167_FB7C_41E3_126C4A5129DC.label = 3 panorama_A884FA47_A167_8FFC_41E0_7ACFA6354686.label = 5 panorama_A8850C52_A164_8B94_41DE_86CC3D832774.label = 8 panorama_A885240E_A164_9B8F_41D2_A3D4F1B9E2D7.label = 7 panorama_A88529DF_A164_8C8C_41CB_123626ADC02B.label = 9 panorama_A8852CD7_A164_849C_41D7_2C0C805DEC05.label = 6 panorama_AA697EAD_A167_848C_41BE_E59561AE9FC5.label = 1 ## Action ### URL LinkBehaviour_0B1DFA03_24EA_3995_41B4_125EAD9D8EE4.source = https://360tours.sg/360/terminal1transit/index.htm?skip-loading